Real Stories
Real People

Sleep Apnea Connection to TGA
by Lynn 12-3-19
About five years ago, I found myself dressed but couldn’t remember getting dressed or what day it was. My husband drove me to the nearby hospital where they ran blood work and did an MRI. The MRI results showed no stroke and no signs of dementia. When I put myself back in the moment, I felt like I couldn’t wake up! As if I were partially sleeping and awake at the same time. As far as I know, I have never slept walked in my entire 69 years. What I do know, is that I am a slight, 5’ 4” woman who snores like a lion. (Just ask my husband.) 15 years ago I was diagnosed as having moderate sleep apnea. I was in denial. I never used a CPAP and never wanted to, as I am extremely claustrophobic. Well...after experiencing this bout of amnesia, I decided to refer myself and be re-tested. The results were “severe” sleep apnea. I realized I had to face my fear. I did some research and found a mask that is much less confining, made of a nylon pillow (not hard, smelly plastic) and covers only my nose. I made up my mind that this was something I had to do otherwise I could lose my life. I believe this is, was, and ever-shall-be the reason for my bout with amnesia. I now feel 1,000 times better since I wear my CPAP every night, without fail! Perhaps others can relate to my story. If so, please, if you haven’t already done so, get tested.