Real Stories
Real People

Makes Me Feel Okay
by Deb 12-4-17
Hello - I'd like to introduce myself and tell my TGA story.
On October 20, 2017, I had a one-hour long episode of transient global amnesia. My foster grandson (whom my daughter was supposed to be able to adopt) had been with our family since birth. At the age of 3 1/2, he was taken away and placed with his birth mother. This occurred 3 weeks before my TGA episode. Being around kids trick or treating for the 3 hours before was my trigger.
I remember driving home, feeling very sad and crying. I really tried hard to hold it together. I took a shower and when I got out, Mike said I asked the same 4 questions over and over for one hour.
"Where is Thomas?"
"Where have I been?"
"What have I been doing?"
"How are Amy and Emily doing?"
I remember standing in my kitchen asking these for Mike because he looked so sad and puzzled. Then it hit me..... I remembered I didn't have Thomas for the past 3 weeks...and I sobbed hysterically. This is etched in my brain. I remember saying it once. He said I repeated this for one hour without moving from where I was.
I went to the hospital... testing was OK. Had MRI with contrast which was negative. I remember having headaches a couple of days prior to and a couple of days after this. Scary as all heck. Also, I use a CPAP. For the week leading up to and a few days after my events per hour increased 4 times the average. I saw my primary doc who suspected transient global amnesia. Who referred me to a neurologist who confirmed the diagnosis. The neurologist told me my problems with memory now are unrelated to TGA. I am now waiting to be scheduled for neuro-psych evaluation.
It's been six weeks and I still don't totally feel myself. I realize part of this is anxiety about it occurring again. I've been through difficult times before. At age 25 my daughter was one week old, mom told me my 49 yr old dad had over a year to live he had cancer. We took care of him for one year. Ten years ago my 57-year-old husband was diagnosed with a rare kidney cancer... He treated in Boston in clinical trials for almost a year before he passed. I felt like I died with him. I always wondered how much I could endure before breaking down, and I got my answer. I have tried to live each day and be thankful. Having TGA makes me less confident in myself.
I loved reading all the posts here from people who have experienced this. It makes me feels OK.....
I'm not alone in what I'm feeling.