Real Stories
Real People

My Ah-Ha! Moment
by Anna 11-3-17
I want to share a very personal “Ah-Ha!” moment with you.
Last Friday morning, my curtain came down.
Suddenly and without warning, I lost my memory.
One minute I was taking my morning walk with my dogs, and the next moment I was standing in front of my bathroom mirror wondering how I got there.
Two hours had gone by. It was my intermission.
Somehow I had the wherewithal to call my husband – ambulance to ER followed, two days in the hospital and a battery of tests revealed no abnormalities.
Diagnosis – an uncommon and apparently inexplicable neurological disorder called transient global amnesia.
Laymen’s terms –I temporarily lost the ability to remember. My two hours of intermission are lost forever, but other long and short term memories are slowly coming back and will eventually be restored.
Thank goodness my curtain is lifting. As it’s going up, I have a whole new perspective on the stage we call “life.”
And as a professional coach who is passionate about helping people realize the future they want, I’m taking a whole new approach.
So here’s my “Ah-Ha!”
All we have is the present. It’s a cliché.
But really, it’s all we have.
The past is a bridge to memory. The future is a bridge to hope, one that we build moment to moment.
So what are you doing with your present? Are you taking the stage and creating your life’s play?
Boldly write your script. Take center stage. Your curtain is up!
And remember to enjoy the show!